Why? なぜなの?
It seems to me that in life you'll always want what you can't have and what you don't want will inevitably come to you. Is it because the grass always seems greener on the other side? Or is it because it's part of human nature to always want something better; to reach higher?
I can never be satisfied with what I have it seems, be it something in material form or something intangible. The result is utter disappointment or disgust with myself when I can't attain what I set out to achieve. Or maybe I just set my sights a bit too high?
みんないるかい? 星をめざして
君に導かれ 歌いながら
Currently playing: NEWS - 星をめざして
Current mood: Sunburnt >_<
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 7:14 AM
Why? なぜなの?
It seems to me that in life you'll always want what you can't have and what you don't want will inevitably come to you. Is it because the grass always seems greener on the other side? Or is it because it's part of human nature to always want something better; to reach higher?
I can never be satisfied with what I have it seems, be it something in material form or something intangible. The result is utter disappointment or disgust with myself when I can't attain what I set out to achieve. Or maybe I just set my sights a bit too high?
みんないるかい? 星をめざして
君に導かれ 歌いながら
Currently playing: NEWS - 星をめざして
Current mood: Sunburnt >_<
forsaken-wingssaw an angel @ 7:14 AM
Birth Date: February, 27
Birth Place: Kuching, Malaysia
Current Location: Perth, Australia
Blood Type: A
Zodiac: Pisces
Occupation: Full-Time Civil Engineer-in-training, Part-Time SubGirl, Full time J-fangirl!<3
Aspires to: Live in Japan some day!
MSN Messenger: abysl@hotmail.com
Activities: Web-designing, CG art, listening to music, dancing, singing, haunting forums, reading manga, watching anime and Japanese dramas, browsing Yahoo! Japan auctions, concerts, basketball, badminton, baking and cooking (esp Jap food!)
Things: Clothes, accessories, nail art, strappy heels and hot boots! Cute little thingamajigies, cuddly plushies and fluffy pillows! CDs, DVDs & posters! Hi-tech stuff! x] Puppies! My piano, guitar, hi-fi & laptop! Of course, anime, manga & games!
Food: Chocolate & ice-cream? (who doesn't?? though i seldom eat =_=") Athena yoghurt, Jap food (okonomiyaki & takoyaki!), pretty cakes in Japan!
Drinks: Green Tea (matcha), Pina Colada, Baileys, Smoothies & Ice-blended drinks, tea in general
Places: Shibuya~!!(shopping heaven...but need funds X_x), Singapore
Scent: AngelHeart, Love Paradise, Provocative Woman
Artists: NEWS *love*, Tackey & Tsubasa *_*, GYM, KAT-TUN, w-inds., Lead, WaT, AAA, Kanjani8, Johnnys Jr., YUI, Nami Tamaki, Changin' My Life, BENNIE K, T.M.Revolution, Kitade Nana, Koda Kumi, Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru etc...
Anime/Manga: Loveless (Ritsuka & Soubi!!!), Yami no Matsuei (Hisoka & Tsuzuki!!!), BLEACH, Yakitate!!Japan, Full Moon wo Sagashite
Platform: PS2 (hopefully PS3? xD)
Games: Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, Kingdom Hearts I & II
Spineless & lazy people, two-faced people who backstab, road bullies, uncivillized & uncultured people, litterers and especially spitters! smoking, leechers, plagiarists, exams & assignments
About This Site
Date Launched: July 26, 2006
Version: 1.0
Layout: © Me 2006
Image: © Gensho Sugiyama 2002
Anikaos: ©
Feather Brush: ©
Debi-Chiru 2003 @ DeviantArt.com
Scripts: © Scripts.com
Best viewed with: 1024x768 and 1280x768 browsers
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