Exams suck BIG TIME... at least I'm halfway done... only Engineering Structures and Computing left... Ganbare! ファイト〜!
Last weekend was Northbridge Festival! Missed it last year but went last Saturday cos See Mee so kindly invited me, even though my first paper was on Monday!! But I have to say it was the most fun I've had in ages! My fave by far was the pole-dancing show, it was hot! I wish I could do that... =P Testing out the new photobucket browser thingy...
Had an awesome time today too. Managed to do my laundry and clean my room before 11:00am and went for lunch at HK BBQ with Jenny and Julian. Bumped into Adeline at Northbridge; haven't seen that girl in ages! Got ALL the grocery shopping today! The butcher, oriental shops, Subi market and Woolies! Went to the Japon shop... I WANT A YUKATA!!! *cries* I'll be back for it!! Lol... Subi sure has a lot of stuff... gonna make sure I shop there once exams are over. Gosh, I must have spent almost $100 on groceries alone today >_<
here. My personal fave song from her is Precious and PV is Stuck on you.
Gotta study now...
Mood: Relaxed
Currently playing: w-inds. - If...
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 9:11 AM
Again, I'm gonna start the post by saying it's been more than 2 weeks since my last post. =P
So much has happened since my last post I really don't know where to begin... trying to recall the chronological order... nvm, gonna just gonna forget about the order... lol
Sem 2 has ended! I can't believe it! My 1st year at uni is gonna be over!! Wow... time flies so fast it's scary... Now all that's left is the exams... been trying to study and that's why I've been trying to abstain from blogging... but finally had to give in to the itch... lol...
On the last day of uni, I went out with Sarah after work... and it was crazy! We went from Maya Masala to Formosa to Fast Eddy's! We seemed to keep talking and talking... And I didn't get home till 1 something... which is quite crazy cos I just went to uni then spent the whole day at work... I wonder where I get the energy from... xD 自分が言うなよ!Lol...
Oh yeah... it was Susan's birthday on the 19th I think... and we went to Fast Eddy's (again) for her dinner celebration... Was kinda last minute but it turned out perfect! バッチリだった!And we took tons of photos.....

Last Sunday there was a boat festival going on at East Perth! Decided to go, since Reen was working there and it was a good excuse for me to get out of the house! There were a lot of food, music, people...... and FLIES!!! Haha.... it was really fun if not for the heat and the flies. Check out the fruit crush sticks.... Yummilicious...

That night we got take-away sushi from Matsuri... unagi roll and spicy roll.... which were both really good!! But kinda expensive too... but what to do.. it's nice food...

Sometime last week while I was chatting with the Tachibananas there were fireworks!!! HANABI~~~!!! *_* I took too many photos so only selected a few to upload...

I haven't chatted with the Tachibananas in a long time... but we went crazy spamming the hideout! xD I wonder if the admins will close down the hideout xD 1044 posts??? That's MAD... but congrats!!! WE DID IT!! バカかな、私たち?Speaking of Tachibananas.... KEITA TACHIBANA's GONNA RELEASE HIS 1st SOLO ALBUM!!! Wheeeee~~~~!
声Oh yeah.... I've got accounts at Tagged, Facebook and MSN Space now... ADD ME!! xD
I LOVE BENNIE K!!! *_* I dunno what it is about the songs that I like so much... but their new mini album, The BENNIE K Show 2, ROCKS!!! GO DL IT ---->
CLICK ME!!!!ayaka has released her 1st album!!! GO LISTEN!!!!
NOW!!I don't like BoA much now but I like her new single
Winter Love. It kinda reminds me of Koda Kumi's flower...
Finished watching Meine Liebe and Meine Liebe Weider as well.... it's pretty good I guess... quite educational xD But anyways, Orpherus is yummy... xDDD
I finally did something with my phone.... changed the wallpaper and ringtones and also downloaded Puzzle Bobble!! xD It's quite addictive too! Only reached level 19 I think. ^_^;;
And speaking of games.... there's a Dragonzakura game online!!! It tests ur kanji skills... basically a kanji flash card game... this again is quite addictive cos I kept retrying until I got rank A. Or maybe I'm just obstinate. LMAO...
PLAY!And FINALLY.... some shameless plugging... I've finished my RITSUKA X SOUBI pic... and am quite damn proud of it too!! Experimented a lot with the tablet... I won't put up a preview of it but the link... ABSOLUTELY DON'T click on it unless you are really open-minded or accept guy X guy relationships...
U'VE BEEN WARNED...I really wanna draw for Comic Fiesta... I definitely want more publicity... but I have no time... studies first... *sigh* I wanna draw so many other things too!! Orpherus, Kingdom Hearts... etc...
So many problems around lately... especially for Penny & Charlene... aw.. I wish I could do something for them... cheer up gals! *hugssssss* 元気出して!がんばって!GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE DOING EXAMS TOO!!
04/11 Callie
06/11 Sing Jiat
08/11 William
14/11 Amy
Ok, I'll be going out with See Mee and Jac now..
Mood: Accomplished
Currently playing: BENNIE K - Endless Summer
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 4:57 PM
Exams suck BIG TIME... at least I'm halfway done... only Engineering Structures and Computing left... Ganbare! ファイト〜!
Last weekend was Northbridge Festival! Missed it last year but went last Saturday cos See Mee so kindly invited me, even though my first paper was on Monday!! But I have to say it was the most fun I've had in ages! My fave by far was the pole-dancing show, it was hot! I wish I could do that... =P Testing out the new photobucket browser thingy...
Had an awesome time today too. Managed to do my laundry and clean my room before 11:00am and went for lunch at HK BBQ with Jenny and Julian. Bumped into Adeline at Northbridge; haven't seen that girl in ages! Got ALL the grocery shopping today! The butcher, oriental shops, Subi market and Woolies! Went to the Japon shop... I WANT A YUKATA!!! *cries* I'll be back for it!! Lol... Subi sure has a lot of stuff... gonna make sure I shop there once exams are over. Gosh, I must have spent almost $100 on groceries alone today >_<
here. My personal fave song from her is Precious and PV is Stuck on you.
Gotta study now...
Mood: Relaxed
Currently playing: w-inds. - If...
forsaken-wingssaw an angel @ 9:11 AM
Again, I'm gonna start the post by saying it's been more than 2 weeks since my last post. =P
So much has happened since my last post I really don't know where to begin... trying to recall the chronological order... nvm, gonna just gonna forget about the order... lol
Sem 2 has ended! I can't believe it! My 1st year at uni is gonna be over!! Wow... time flies so fast it's scary... Now all that's left is the exams... been trying to study and that's why I've been trying to abstain from blogging... but finally had to give in to the itch... lol...
On the last day of uni, I went out with Sarah after work... and it was crazy! We went from Maya Masala to Formosa to Fast Eddy's! We seemed to keep talking and talking... And I didn't get home till 1 something... which is quite crazy cos I just went to uni then spent the whole day at work... I wonder where I get the energy from... xD 自分が言うなよ!Lol...
Oh yeah... it was Susan's birthday on the 19th I think... and we went to Fast Eddy's (again) for her dinner celebration... Was kinda last minute but it turned out perfect! バッチリだった!And we took tons of photos.....

Last Sunday there was a boat festival going on at East Perth! Decided to go, since Reen was working there and it was a good excuse for me to get out of the house! There were a lot of food, music, people...... and FLIES!!! Haha.... it was really fun if not for the heat and the flies. Check out the fruit crush sticks.... Yummilicious...

That night we got take-away sushi from Matsuri... unagi roll and spicy roll.... which were both really good!! But kinda expensive too... but what to do.. it's nice food...

Sometime last week while I was chatting with the Tachibananas there were fireworks!!! HANABI~~~!!! *_* I took too many photos so only selected a few to upload...

I haven't chatted with the Tachibananas in a long time... but we went crazy spamming the hideout! xD I wonder if the admins will close down the hideout xD 1044 posts??? That's MAD... but congrats!!! WE DID IT!! バカかな、私たち?Speaking of Tachibananas.... KEITA TACHIBANA's GONNA RELEASE HIS 1st SOLO ALBUM!!! Wheeeee~~~~!
声Oh yeah.... I've got accounts at Tagged, Facebook and MSN Space now... ADD ME!! xD
I LOVE BENNIE K!!! *_* I dunno what it is about the songs that I like so much... but their new mini album, The BENNIE K Show 2, ROCKS!!! GO DL IT ---->
CLICK ME!!!!ayaka has released her 1st album!!! GO LISTEN!!!!
NOW!!I don't like BoA much now but I like her new single
Winter Love. It kinda reminds me of Koda Kumi's flower...
Finished watching Meine Liebe and Meine Liebe Weider as well.... it's pretty good I guess... quite educational xD But anyways, Orpherus is yummy... xDDD
I finally did something with my phone.... changed the wallpaper and ringtones and also downloaded Puzzle Bobble!! xD It's quite addictive too! Only reached level 19 I think. ^_^;;
And speaking of games.... there's a Dragonzakura game online!!! It tests ur kanji skills... basically a kanji flash card game... this again is quite addictive cos I kept retrying until I got rank A. Or maybe I'm just obstinate. LMAO...
PLAY!And FINALLY.... some shameless plugging... I've finished my RITSUKA X SOUBI pic... and am quite damn proud of it too!! Experimented a lot with the tablet... I won't put up a preview of it but the link... ABSOLUTELY DON'T click on it unless you are really open-minded or accept guy X guy relationships...
U'VE BEEN WARNED...I really wanna draw for Comic Fiesta... I definitely want more publicity... but I have no time... studies first... *sigh* I wanna draw so many other things too!! Orpherus, Kingdom Hearts... etc...
So many problems around lately... especially for Penny & Charlene... aw.. I wish I could do something for them... cheer up gals! *hugssssss* 元気出して!がんばって!GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE DOING EXAMS TOO!!
04/11 Callie
06/11 Sing Jiat
08/11 William
14/11 Amy
Ok, I'll be going out with See Mee and Jac now..
Mood: Accomplished
Currently playing: BENNIE K - Endless Summer
forsaken-wingssaw an angel @ 4:57 PM
Birth Date: February, 27
Birth Place: Kuching, Malaysia
Current Location: Perth, Australia
Blood Type: A
Zodiac: Pisces
Occupation: Full-Time Civil Engineer-in-training, Part-Time SubGirl, Full time J-fangirl!<3
Aspires to: Live in Japan some day!
MSN Messenger: abysl@hotmail.com
Activities: Web-designing, CG art, listening to music, dancing, singing, haunting forums, reading manga, watching anime and Japanese dramas, browsing Yahoo! Japan auctions, concerts, basketball, badminton, baking and cooking (esp Jap food!)
Things: Clothes, accessories, nail art, strappy heels and hot boots! Cute little thingamajigies, cuddly plushies and fluffy pillows! CDs, DVDs & posters! Hi-tech stuff! x] Puppies! My piano, guitar, hi-fi & laptop! Of course, anime, manga & games!
Food: Chocolate & ice-cream? (who doesn't?? though i seldom eat =_=") Athena yoghurt, Jap food (okonomiyaki & takoyaki!), pretty cakes in Japan!
Drinks: Green Tea (matcha), Pina Colada, Baileys, Smoothies & Ice-blended drinks, tea in general
Places: Shibuya~!!(shopping heaven...but need funds X_x), Singapore
Scent: AngelHeart, Love Paradise, Provocative Woman
Artists: NEWS *love*, Tackey & Tsubasa *_*, GYM, KAT-TUN, w-inds., Lead, WaT, AAA, Kanjani8, Johnnys Jr., YUI, Nami Tamaki, Changin' My Life, BENNIE K, T.M.Revolution, Kitade Nana, Koda Kumi, Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru etc...
Anime/Manga: Loveless (Ritsuka & Soubi!!!), Yami no Matsuei (Hisoka & Tsuzuki!!!), BLEACH, Yakitate!!Japan, Full Moon wo Sagashite
Platform: PS2 (hopefully PS3? xD)
Games: Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, Kingdom Hearts I & II
Spineless & lazy people, two-faced people who backstab, road bullies, uncivillized & uncultured people, litterers and especially spitters! smoking, leechers, plagiarists, exams & assignments