Thursday, September 21, 2006





ヤバイ。I actually woke up at 8:00am today instead of the usual 7:00am! And my class starts at 9:00am! Thank goodness for the car but I had to skip breakfast.

Uni was a drag today cos of the crappy weather. Had to keep getting in the rain during the transition between classes cos I was stupid enough to believe that the weather wouldn't betray me today. How wrong I was.

Planned to go to the city after class but was held back for an hour due to the calculus assignment. I reckon the tutor wasn't much help cos I couldn't get what he was trying to say! >_<

The weather hadn't improved by the time I got home so decided to stay at home... and do laundry, do vacuuming and washing the *ugh* filthy balcony. My hands are so dry now.. T_T *slops on handcream*

Didn't get much work done like I planned otherwise. Come to think of it, what was I doing? Oh yea, watching Ya-Ya-yah and Honjyani! Watching Honjyani made me feel like playing bowling!! Haven't done so in ages! I'm crap at it for sure...

I've booked my tix to Melbourne~~! Only 2 months left! I shall count the days... 67 days! >_< Looking forward to see うさぎ and Gabe! お楽しみだ〜!\(^0^)/

Speaking of which, I've got my pay today!!! $$$$$ Mwehehehe! $$$$$ 超うれしい!That's the most I've gotten in a fortnight so far!! My next pay is gonna be even higher! Hahaha.... *cos we are living in a material world and I am a material girl*

So many things I wanna share today... Gonna be a long post! ^_^;;

Watched Taiyou no Uta a second time yesterday and even so I still shed tears! I still think it's a great movie! I actually found a clip of the ending of the movie, it's actually Good-bye days playing, only without the talking bit. But it would be a spoiler though if you wanna watch the movie.

I wanna play the song on my guitar!! I SO wish I had my guitar now. In my search for the tabs I found a pretty good YUI forum. And the tabs for the song!!

Good-bye days tabs

There are some mistakes in the lyrics though.

I wanna introduce another one of my favourite artists: 星村麻衣(Hoshimura Mai). She's awesome on the piano and a wonderful singer too and writes her own lyrics as well! This performance is of Merry Go Round, the 5th ending theme of the anime Yakitate!! Japan. Watch it and see for yourself!

I'd better go to sleep... almost 7 hours of customer service tomorrow... >_<

Mood: Sleepy
Currently playing: YUI - Good-bye days
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 9:44 AM

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

タイヨウのうた (Taiyou no Uta)
A Song to the Sun

Was watching this movie the night before and was such a good movie! Gotta share this with everyone! Was very sad though. とってもいい映画だった!感動した!涙が止まられなかった!

It stars YUI and 塚本高史 (Tsukamoto Takashi)! かっこ良かった!少しバカだったけどね。

The story tells about Kaoru Amane, 16, who doesn't go to school and can only come out at night because of a disease she has called Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP). Having this disease means that even the slightest exposure to sunlight could lead to her death. So she fills her lonely days by playing her guitar and composing songs (in which she is extremely talented), then playing them in front of the train station, hoping to expose her talent. Her life begins to change when she finally introduces herself to Kouji Fujishiro, the guy who she'd been watching from her window for a long time now...

I'm gonna share the PV and mp3 of the theme song "Good-bye days", which was sung by YUI of course. I love this song sooo much and it has been on repeat since Monday. Lol. YUI's acting's pretty good in the movie too. The PV shows scenes from the movie as well so you can have an idea of what the movie's like.

YUI for Kaoru Amane - Good-bye days

Taiyou no Uta Official Website

The other thing I found is... THIS!

It's a clip from Mezamashi about Keita's solo debut. Shows a preview of the PV of Michishirube too! いい感じだ!期待しています〜!

The other song I wanted to share is 緋色の空 (Hishoku no Sora) by 川田まみ(Kawada Mami). It's the opening song for the anime 灼眼のシャナ (Shakugan no Shana) and it's really upbeat. Try listening~! <3

Mami Kawada - Hishoku no Sora

I shouldn't think too much...








Was chatting with Shizuka-nechan again last night after so long... Can't wait to visit her in Singapore next year!! Miss ya loads nechan!! *huggsssss*

Planning on going to Melbourne in December too~ But that means I'll be taking 2 months' leave from work >.< But can't wait to go~ Gotta work hard at studies and work first though.

Mood: Confused
Currently playing: Nami Tamaki - Sanctuary
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 7:17 AM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

After a long day at work and with the second half of the semester starting tomorrow what do I do? Got me thinking about what I'm heading towards in this life. So, I made a list of top 10 things I wanna do in this lifetime.

  1. Travel around the world, preferably with my family.

  2. Own my own yacht or luxury boat, so that I can fulfill no.1. Not as fond of planes.

  3. Have my own mansion complete with a pool, gym, multipurpose court, and a large, and I mean HUGE compound, so that I can have horses and plenty of space for my dogs to run. Think large dining halls and function rooms etc. A mini golf-course wouldn't be half bad, then I could play golf with Dad or something. Oh, let's not forget a music room complete with a grand piano too.

  4. Open up a café or a chain of them, where people can chill and just have a good time. Like somewhere for people to escape, if just for a few hours, from their hectic daily lives. Think Tokyo. Elegant yet not a formal and stiff environment. Could probably even sell my brownies there. =P

  5. Have a big-ass grand wedding. Think Victoria & David Beckham. Every girl is allowed to have her dream wedding right?

  6. Own one of those cool sports cars. Dunno which will be my fave by the time I can afford one.

  7. Start my own web-designing/graphic-designing company. Always wanted to do graphic designing, but for realistic reasons had to put those all aside.

  8. Make a statement in the engineering world by building some awe-inspiring landmarks, like 'The Eye' in London.

  9. Go to Johnny's concerts! At least one from each of the groups I like better. At the annual Countdown is a must!

  10. Go for a student exchange or stay at least 6 months in Japan.

Obviously these are all pretty big dreams and all require tons of $$$. So, what to do but study my ass off. I've never put these all down in words till today. Maybe I was hoping that by doing so I'd be able to form my resolve and start working extra hard at studies and work ie., gotta save more money and increase my knowledge. These are really all not that far out of reach if I think about it objectively.


Mood: Determined; Motivated; A little tired from work
Currently playing: 絢香(Ayaka) - 三日月(Mikazuki)
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 5:22 AM

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Konbanchiwa~!! こんばんちは! \(#^_^#)/

New mini-album from AAA which I would like to share~!!!

Title: ALL/2
Release date: 09.13.06
1. ハリケーン・リリ,ボストン・マリ (Hurricane Riri, Boston Mari)(Original Long version)
2. Let it beat!
3. ハレルヤ (Hallelujah)
4. "Q"
5. Shalala キボウの歌 (Shalala Kibou no Uta)
6. 夢ノカケラ (Yume no Kakera)

それでバイじゃ〜!Mata ne~! Enjoy! ^_^
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 11:03 AM

Friday, September 15, 2006


Found a new restaurant yesterday! It's called Little Seoul and it's on East Hay St, one block in front of Miss Maud. It serves both Korean and Jap food, but mainly Korean. I had the spicy squid which was yummy! Too bad I didn't bring a camera. We were actually planning to go to '純'(jun) to try out the '串焼き'(kushi-yaki) but it wasn't open!!

We also discovered a little Korean supermarket nearby, and I got a walnut-flavoured chewy!

I know I keep saying that I should be on a 'budget-constraint' but I couldn't resist when I tried on this white summer-dress at Just Jeans! It's a new piece that just came in that's not put on display yet! *ニコニコ*

Oh yea, this is the set of tops that Reen got me that I mentioned before.

Yumi-chan came over last night and stayed the night. For dinner I made okonomiyaki and takoyaki and for dessert, carrot cake!! Lol.



Carrot cake! =P


Me being a total Baka. Do NOT click unless u really can't resist. xD

I had a lot of fun last night! ユミちゃん、楽しかったよ。ぜひ、また遊びにきてね!

I know I have too much free time on my hands if I start to think about stupid things again. By all means I'll try to avoid from falling into that kind of "phase" again where I give a difficult time to others around me.

Worked almost 8 hours today instead of the usual 6.5 and there was a dinner rush as well... and I just finished ironing my clothes too. So tired... 疲れた〜

Mood: Slightly annoyed
Currently playing: AAA - Shalala キボウの歌 (Shalala Kibou no Uta)
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 11:40 PM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Firstly, a piece of advice. Do constant cleaning; as in do not wait 2 months till u finally decide to clean out your room and the toilet. It's dead tiring.

Secondly, do NOT attempt to do so after u have been to the gym after work the day before, especially if u attended the Ab Blast class after 2 months. Chances are it will kill u.

This is exactly what I did today= not pleasant. I even managed some laundry... AND gym again.

Here it comes.

Took this from his official site which is officially launching on 25/9/06!






橘 慶太』

Basically he tells about how he grew up in a very musical environment and that he was given the chance to go solo to convey to the fans everything he treasures. He's gonna work on the solo project alongside group activites.

His debut single, 道標 (michishirube=sign-post) will be released on 18/10/06! Lyrics are by Keita himself, the music by T2ya and the arrangement by Koma2 Kazz so this sounds really promising!! Can't wait!!! I'm sooo grabbing the first press! (if I have the money that is >_<) これからもずっと応援しますから、ガンバレ慶ちゃん!

I love AAA (read as Triple A btw) more and more since the release of "Let it beat!" and "Q". "Let it beat!" is really upbeat and reminds me of "Blood on Fire" and "Q" is just tooo cute!! And Shinjiro Atae is just getting more and more kakkoii as well! Nvm that he's my 年下, age doesn't matter!! You MUST check out the PVs!!!

♥REEN I LUF U~~~~!!!!!♥ Reen got me a set of tops which I mentioned that I liked! Aw... so touched!!! Arigachuu naaaaaa~~!!

Damn. My eye hurts.
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 10:26 AM

Monday, September 11, 2006

OMG! It's been 2 months since I last posted!!! なんてことだ!So I finally get around to doing it during my so-called "study break", and as u can see the layout has FINALLY been fixed.

As always on a free day, I spent my day in the city. Met up with Charlene for lunch at Taka. Had my first normal meal in days. あんなにガンバッタのになぜ痩せられないの?!(≥-≤)ムカつく!So I tried the new mango-flavoured Lipton Green Tea. Wasn't all that great, I still prefer the peach flavoured one. I can't say I'd drink it a second time.

Taka seems to be a mecca of sorts during the lunch hour; I met Joanna (who I haven't had a decent conversation with in ages) then Elvina & Co. within the span of half an hour or less. Lunch was supposed to be short but eventually it dragged on as we waited for Johnson & Reen to arrive.

Following lunch was bubble tea, which didn't turn out too pleasant for Charlene, cos I think the person making the tea couldn't seem to read my scrawl of what was supposed to be "S" for sago and was somehow intepreted as an "R" My bad... ごめんね!(#=_=#)

John Tucker Must Die was killer! It's a typical chick flick about 3 girls who dated the same guy at the same time and with the help of a fourth girl try to get back at him. I know it's a chick flick, but it's got some really hilarious plots in it (like the oestrogen pills!). Go watch it, and be sure to drag someone with u!

I swear I should stop going to the city, or shopping for that matter! Everytime I go out, the things on my wishlist grows... at an alarming rate too! Like the cute cardigan at Sportsgirl or the summer-dress at Myer! My purse simply can't keep up (since I need my J-supplements too! xD)

Reen sent me these absolutely adorable pics I just have to share~!!! Kimono doggies!!超カワイイ!(^▼^)

Free Image Hosting at
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 9:53 AM

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