Wednesday, July 26, 2006

After months of procrastinating, Abby has finally decided to revive her blog again! (after her previous one got deleted by Blogspot... of all the atrocities!!)

*wai~~ throws confetti to commemorate the occasion*

Decided to do this since I've recently discovered that I have absolutely nothing left to do online besides downloading stuff. I hardly think that anyone would like to read my dronings about my dreary daily ongoings, although I hope there are actually people out there who want to. *dry laugh*

I NEED TO EXERCISE MY ENGLISH MORE! My English seems to have been left to collect dust since I started uni since engineering is calculations, calculations and more calculations... also, I mainly speak Mandarin with the ppl I hang out's either I'm going senile or my English is failing me. *dies*

Also... I've recently started doing CG again... so I might actually complete my half-done pieces, now that I've gotten the tablet back... (even though my sis has probably left a trail of dust before me already) and so what better place for shameless plugging than a blog??!!! Btw, please visit!!! ---> My DeviantArt Gallery It does not have very many pieces up yet but it is in DIRE need of pageviews... Haha... why let my talent remain unseen?? LMAO... but yes, I would love you to death if u visit. I'll give u brownies! *is hopeful* xD

*rubs eyes*

This is hour no. 2 in the Maths Comp Lab (MCL) and there's STILL half an hour to go before the bloody Intro to Professional Engineering (IPE) tutorial... have to take the damned English Language Competance Assessment test later... can't I just do it now for goodness' sake??? >_<

*sighs* I'll probably work on sprucing up the blog when I get back, if I have the time. It's sooo barren you could probably grow cacti on it.... ok exaggerating... so envious of all the ppl with schnazzy blogs and all the thingamajigs...

I need more coffee....

Baichuu~~ =3
forsaken-wings saw an angel @ 2:35 PM

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